The Descriptathlon is back with Aisling Conroy
Enter the descriptathlon!
Have you ever considered describing paintings to people who can only see them partially or not see them at all? Try this one by artist Aisling Conroy (in the state art collection since 2017).
Contribute your description to the descriptath(l)on, i.e. the marathon (or decathlon) of descriptions that we are collecting to enrich our experiences of art and to support visually impaired audiences. You can e-mail your description as short text (ideally no longer than 200 words) or in audio format (no longer than 3min recording or longer if it’s conversational) to DublinCastleEducation@opw.ie and let us do the rest. If you need more information on the work, to assist you with your description, or if you wish to look at more artworks to choose from, let us know.
We welcome contributions from all ages, eyes and voices and so do the final recipients of your descriptions. We would be delighted to receive collaborative descriptions or conversational pieces , combining in audio or in text different styles and voices. Get together with your family or friends and give it a go. Watch out for spontaneous descriptions of very young children and include them – they are often the most insightful. If you have any queries or are looking for tips before you start your experiment, drop us a line.
You can access some sample audio-descriptions here:
But we really want your own voice, your own style and ideas. It’s an experiment, it’s an adventure.
Aisling Conroy, 2017: Wisdom of the Heart III. Acrylic, enamel & thread on wood, 74x74cm
Some information on the artist and the show that this work was part of: